Cari studenti,
sono orgoglioso di annunciare la pubblicazione del mio nuovo libro: Web Aesthetics, How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society (Institute of Network Cultures and NAi Publishers).
Il libro affronta due tematiche principali: l'estetizzazione della società e la diffusione globale di forme legate al Web.
Di seguito l'indice:
Chapter I - Dialogue Inside and Outside the Web
Closed Monads
Spam and Viruses: The Evil to Be Eradicated 36
New Media Culture
Chapter II - Aesthetic Diffusion
A Short History of the Concept of Aesthetic Experience
Diffuse Aesthetics
Theory of Memes
Aby Warburg: The Concept of Engram
Meme Gallery
Chapter III - Aesthetic Experience on the Web
To Flow or Not to Flow
Optical and Haptic
Chapter IV - Aesthetic Experience and Digital Networks
Travellers in the Aesthetic Matrix
The DivX and MP3 Experience
The Centrality of the Eye
Digital Cameras and the Will of Technology
What to Fill Digital Memories With?
Chapter V - Remix as Compositional Practice
Innovation and Repetition
Remix It Yourself
Remix Ethics
Machinic Subjectivity
Il libro è già disponibile presso librerie internazionali e sul sito: naipublishers.com
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